Takeover Tuesday with Toluwanimi

Takeover Tuesday with Toluwanimi

What’s most important for Aketekete is that you understand our story, our community, our artisans, and our production processes.

This month has been an exciting one for Aketekete, from features to new products development, and having a new team member! Nimi is a part of the Aketekete adventure, as a Digital Media Marketer.

There are different ways to tell a story, and we’ll be kicking off one today, with Nimi.

We’re calling it TAKEOVER TUESDAY!

Every Tuesday on Instagram, Nimi will be in charge of this section; sharing stories, answering common community questions, and the ones you should stick around to find out.

Always connecting people, places, and stories.

Want to know more?


From Grass to Woven Art


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